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Adelaide Deli Fails To Meet Food Safety Standards.

  A food safety issue that is too close to home… Lecturers and students from the University of Adelaide discovered from their research that 134 out of the 174 supermarkets (that is nearly 75%) or delis that sold ready to eat meat had high bacterial levels that did not meet food standard guidelines. Though the […]

Common temperature logger mistakes 4

Vaccine Fridge

Common temperature logger mistakes 2 and 3 dealt with misunderstanding. This one is returning to the “oh, yes, I should have done this sooner” category. Common temperature logger mistakes: Not put in place. Like I said in my last post, this one is obvious, but more often than not, it is really obvious in hindsight. The […]

2014 – It’s here already

Enough Navel Gazing

Every year there are some key milestones that remind us of how quickly time is passing. Christmas sort of came and went so quickly that I ddin’t have time to stop and say “I can’t believe that it is Christmas already”. In fact, I’m not quite sure if Christmas 2013 actually happened. But my computer […]

Christmas Shutdown

Oh look, it’s here already. Christmas. We will be closed from the 23rd of December to the 3rd of January. BUT we will be checking emails each day so if you have an urgent order please let us know and we will see what we can do. And if you have any support issues, please […]

Roof space temperature and the effectiveness of whirly-gigs

Roof Space Temperature

It’s been interesting looking at the online debate about the effectiveness of whirly-gigs at cooling a house down by reducing the roof space temperature. The undisputed facts There are a couple of key facts that aren’t disputed: 1. The roof space heats up more than the outside air. The roof space temperature is signficantly higher […]

Putting Ventis to the Test


A couple of years ago I wrote some posts on Ventis (Ventis solar energy and Ventis Fresh Air) and have now decided to take the next step and install it in my own house. So this is it, the rubber hitting the road. Over the next couple of weeks I will be collecting data on […]

Making the perfect coffee (Pablo and Rusty’s)

Pablo And Rustys

I had the privilege of seeing behind the scenes at Pablo and Rusty’s Coffee Roasters with Chris Tate. I have now discovered that making the perfect cup of coffee is a mix of skill, art, hard work, high standards, and a strong social conscience. I have long known that cappuccinos need to have milk between […]

Would my kitchen pass Scores on Doors?

So we have just cracked down on restaurants, but let’s be honest, would my kitchen pass Scores on Doors? I will do two levels of tests – the day to day test and the guest test. Hopefully we have higher standards for guests, and face it, restaurants are serving guests. The first 3 criteria, no […]

Scores on Doors and hand washing

Scores On Doors heavily penalises food premises that do not ensure that staff are correctly washing their hands. Given that dirty hands are one of the most efficient means of cross contaminating food and spreading germs, and is one of the simplest to avoid, it makes sense that it is heavily policed. Currently the points […]

First aid kits – extending our safety range

We are now introducing a range of first aid kits. Why shoud you read this blog? 1: The laws changed last year regarding the contents of first-aid kits This was mostly to do with trying to make a national standard but it does mean that if your first-aid kit is more than a year old, […]