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Pharmacy Guild Donate Temperature Loggers

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia have donated temperature loggers to an “exceptional cause” Over the years we have been approached by a number of charities for discounted or free products. Unfortunately about 30% of our customers are linked with charitable organisations, or are products that are aimed at “good causes”. But every now and then […]

Common temperature logger mistakes 5

Temperature Graph

In my previous post of “Common temperature logger mistakes 4 – not put in place” I returned to the “oh, yes, I should have done this sooner” category. This is another one of those. Common temperature logger mistakes: Not retrieved. Once again, this problem is really obvious in hindsight but is easily done. The way […]

Common temperature logger mistakes 3

After common temperature logger mistake 2 of sampling too quickly, mistake number 3 is the exact opposite Common temperature logger mistakes: Sampling too quickly There are some users who sample as fast as possible. This is typically once a minute for Thermocron loggers and possibly even faster for Logtags. The likely cause For the sampling too slowly issue, the […]

Common temperature logger mistakes 2

After common temperature logger mistake 1 of not being turned on, mistake number 2 is reported to us less, but more common… Common temperature logger mistakes: Sampling too slowly There are many users who set their sample rate to one sample every couple of hours. This is typically 4 hours for the Thermocron and even […]

Common temperature logger mistakes 1

Over the next couple of blogs I will be covering the most common temperature logger mistakes and, where possible, how to avoid them. Common temperature logger mistakes: Not turned on There are two main causes for this. Getting a new unit and placing it straight in a fridge without starting it Stopping it to retrieve […]

Temperature logger calibration versus certification

We are often asked about temperature logger calibration versus certification. There is some confusion between the two and what is required. This should clarify many of the questions: What is supplied: 1. Our temperature loggers are tested at point of manufacture to make sure they meet the specification. This is the Quality Control (QC) and […]

Temperature loggers over summer

WIth summer now here, we would like to remind restaurants and cafes to strongly consider using temperature loggers in their fridges, freezers, and vehicles. Temperature loggers provide the following benefits: 1. Proof that you have kept potentially hazardous foods at the correct temperatures. 2. Automated proof so your staff aren’t tied up each day recording […]

Temperature Loggers help Scores on Doors

Scores on Doors heavily penalises sites that don’t effectively monitor the temperature. You must ensure that your fridges are all below 5°C. Many restaurants will either: a) Do nothing and hope for the best b) Rely on unreliable staff to record the temperature every now and then and both will leave you wide open to […]

Temperature Monitoring

Most people know their legal responsibilities when it comes to storing and transporting refrigerated and frozen items. They are doing it, and probably doing it correctly. But do you have proof? Doing and proving aren’t the same thing Not only do you have to keep your food outside the danger zone (5° to 60°C), you […]

Monitoring Temperature

Temperature Graph

Most people now know their legal responsibilities when it comes to storing and transporting refrigerated and frozen items. They are doing it, and probably doing it correctly. But at the same time they need to be able to prove that they are doing it. The traditional method is to have a staff member write down […]