Get Online Week: Empowering Digital Exploration

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Get something nice for that special fridge in your life

It’s Valentine’s Day. What better time to do something special for your fridge? [row] [column medium=”6″] Upgrade your vaccine fridge logger We have a new stock of the premium vaccine fridge replacement logger with … Replaceable Battery Visual Temperature Display Audible Alarm Huge Memory MORE INFO [/column] [column medium=”6″] “Set and Forget” logging with a […]
Why USB LogTags are perfect for refrigerated transport

Place this temperature logger in with your shipment and it will record the temperatures experienced inside the trailer throughout the journey. At the destination, the LogTag can be inserted into any Windows PC to download a comprehensive PDF report of the temperature data, including a colour-coded graph, giving your customer and instant confirmation of food […]
Can my vaccine refrigerator be adjusted?

No cause for alarm Modern vaccine refrigerators are fantastic devices and take much of the worry out of storing vaccines safely. When they’re working properly, that is. We recently had a customer who was getting some slightly strange readings from her temperature logger, despite not getting an alert from her refrigerator. The graph of readings […]
Help! My LogTag says it hit -40°

If your LogTag data shows readings of -40°C – don’t panic. This is just LogTag’s way of telling you something is wrong. Read on to diagnose the problem.
Commercial Fridge Temp Recording Frequency

Recently we were asked: When are you required (according to the food standards code of Australia and New Zealand) to take the temperature reading of a commercial Fridge, a commercial freezer and a Bain Marie that is set at 60 degrees and at what intervals e.g Every 2 hours or Twice every day ? The […]
Data logger sample rate explanation
We put together a quick video to explain what sample rate means.
Temperature Sensor Discrepancy: Different Results

Two temperature sensors side by side Today I received two graphs from two different brands of temperature sensors (temperature loggers). The first was a Minnow temperature logger and the other our wireless temperature logger. They had both been in a fridge, side by side. They both covered the same time period and the distinct spikes […]
Temperature Logger: Different Values to the Fridge Display

The problem A very common question is “why does my temperature logger have different values to the fridge display?” For example a fridge may have a digital display and a temperature logger but they never show the same temperature. They may show a different range (e.g. one may only fluctuate by 1° while the other […]
CoolTel Temperature Loggers Review

UPDATE Jan 2017: OnSolution no longer sell the CoolTel range of GSM loggers. Instead, consider the WirelessTag range of loggers or contact us and we’ll help you find an alternative. OnSolution now distribute the CoolTel Temperature Loggers. What is a CoolTel Temperature Logger? The CoolTel Temperature Logger has all the benefits of a traditional temperature […]