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Nutella Day

It was World Nutella Day yesterday. See for proof. Which I think is absolutely awesome. So now everyone in the world can enjoy some Nutella. It may not be the perfect dietary solution for the starving millions, but it’s a great start. I don’t know if it was spread around (pun intended) with bread, […]

Humidity Logger for Cake Displays – LogTag Humidity

Cakes must be kept in a temperature and humidity controlled environment. Did you realize that the humidity will affect a cake, the icing and the cream filling? OnSolution has the ideal logger to ensure that the temperature and humidity is perfect for the storage of cakes. Too high humidity will make the cake soggy. Too […]

A True Bedtime Story for Quality Managers and Accountants

A long time ago, in a land far, far away (Ok, NZ a few years ago), a happy little Company was making regular shipments by sea in containers to Japan (who can be very specific with criteria) which needed to be -18 C. All was well, the shipping company had a log system on the […]

Customer Support

Today is one of those days. Had a call from a remote IT support person, who was trying to understand eTemperature. Their customer, about an hour away from the IT support had the USB reader plugged into the computer and eTemperature running. The screen said waiting. I thought that this is easy, and said, “All […]

Data loggers

Our range of data loggers is now increasing to include temperature, humidity, light, sound, vibration, shock and CO2. Some of these products are imported, but we are also working on our own range of loggers. The vibration logger, for example, is able to sample 3,000 readings a second and store up to 2G of data. […]

Yellow pages can’t go green

We have just been through the process of signing up for the yellow pages again. I can still remember that ad where the secretary forgot to book the yellow pages ad, and the boss is yelling out the window. I would have to say, if we had missed it, I really wonder if it would […]

Click and drag

I’m a Dilbert fan. It is amazing what can fit into 3 small squares. But I think this cartoon may have outdone Dilbert. True, it did take 4 squares, but what a square: In case it took you 20 seconds to look at it, and go “I don’t get it” then the answer is […]

Technology leaders

After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, British scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 200 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 150 years ago. Not to be outdone by the British, in the weeks that followed, an American archaeologist […]

OnSolution Support Policy

At OnSolution we try to ensure that the customer is totally satisfied with the product. If a problem exists we will endeavour to rectify the problem immediately. This isn’t always practical, so these are the guidelines we work by: Distributors: Distributors are responsible for the first level of support  and often take care of the […]

Choosing a company name

Last time I mentioned the fun we are having with choosing a product name. We are also having a challenge with choosing a company name. We’ve outgrown the old company name. “OnSolution”. It really doesn’t mean anything, is impossible to remember, and most people write down OneSolution. OneSolution would have been great. It’s taken. So […]