At OnSolution we try to ensure that the customer is totally satisfied with the product. If a problem exists we will endeavour to rectify the problem immediately.
This isn’t always practical, so these are the guidelines we work by:
Distributors: Distributors are responsible for the first level of support and often take care of the small questions and training. If you have a problem with a product we ask that you contact the company you bought the product from first.
If the distributor cannot answer the question, is not reachable, or for any other reason, you can contact us directly. We will generally become involved with any technical questions or product development issues.
Response times: If possible, we will try to provide an answer immediately. If the question is delegated to a developer then it is normally answered within half a business day.
Onsite support: Support is generally not onsite. Most of our products can be fully supported over the phone. Onsite support is available in some circumstances.
Support hours: The office number automatically diverts to one of the staff’s mobile phones. This provides extended hour phone support. We also check our emails up to about midnight to provide support in the Middle East and Europe.
For customers with business critical software (such as LTrace), a list of afterhours numbers are also provided so that we can be contacted 24/7.
So if you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know.