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Ecoroq: Eco-Friendly Solutions

Is it possible to modify a fridge in such as way as to make food stay fresher longer and decrease the power consumption? Ecoroq claim it is. Yesterday at the Lunch! tradeshow I spoke to one of their reps to find out how. The product basically absorbs moisture and ethylene. By absorbing moisture, there are […]

Tracking of sterilised instruments

This is the first in a series of blogs explaining our product LTrace which is used for the tracking of sterilised instruments within a hospital, dental practice or GP. Back ground Any operation or procedure that has a risk of infection control requires that the instruments used be sterile. This is basically achieved in one […]

The Bike Barn Customer Service

As part of my “lessons learnt in customer service” I have a positive set of lessons about how The Bike Barn do customer service. Firstly a bit of background – daughter turning 10, wants a new bike since the old one is way too small, and half a day going from store to store. If […]

Operator Error

Here’s the eror message that every developer would love to drop into their software but would never dare: [error]Operator Error. Replace operator and press any key.[/error]   There’s been times when I’ve been very tempted, but it is usually a sign that I am lifting my user expectations too high. If you want software that […]

Airline customer service

My saga with a certain airline has come to an end. I should emphasise “end” and not “resolution”. I know that it can’t go any further but I don’t feel satisfied. Which now leads me to my final lesson that I have learnt from airline customer service. The two previous sets of lessons can be […]

Energy Concerns Defrost on Demand

Energy Concerns

Imagine pulling up to a service station once a week and inserting the fuel line and turning it on for two minutes, and that’s it. You can quickly see the problems. What happens if you have a lot of driving and needed more fuel? Or what about if you had a quiet week and didn’t […]

Cost effective lighting

Last year I wrote a blog about cost effective lighting. This month I had the opportunity to turn it into an article for the magazie FM. You can find a copy of the article at Since writing the blog and then the article some things have changed. Some downlights are now being phased out, […]

Jetstar Customer Care

My lessons from Jetstar Customer Care continue. So adding to the principles from my last blog I now have more ideas on how (not) to look after customers. Dripping taps It’s now been more than a week since I raised an incident on their site. Since then I have discussed it with colleagues, friends, been […]

Jetstar’s Customer Care

I’m halfway through dealing with Jetstar’s Customer Care, and it is highlighting to me what many companies do wrong when dealing with real people. Single sided communication I dislike “donotreply” email addresses. They imply that the sender is not interested in what I think. If I want to contact them, then I have to work […]

Easter eggs and hot cross buns

I don’t know which one is more amazing, how quickly easter eggs and hot cross buns appear, or how long it takes them to disappear. We didn’t even have time to take down the Christmas tree before we could start buying Easter eggs and hot cross buns. Is this an attempt by big business to […]