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Vaccine Fridge: Downloading Temperature Log

How Often Should I Download the Temperature Log for a Vaccine Fridge? This is a question we are asked quite often. The following answer is my personal opinion. You may have company policies or additional rules that will impact on what I say. If you have a vaccine fridge (i.e. a purpose built vaccine fridge) […]

Word of mouth

We don’t do much advertising. Instead we rely upon our customers letting others know about us. So I would just like to say thank you to all of our customers who have passed our details onto others. It is great when we get a call and hear “so and so recommended you”. And thank you […]

Ventis fresh air

Yesterday I mentioned the Ventis heating system and mentioned how it pushes fresh air into a building. One of the benefits of selling the Keepfresh range of CO2 monitors is that I get a sample unit. So I have monitored the CO2 levels in offices and at home. I did offices first and scoffed at […]

Ventis solar energy

Yesterday I discussed my DIY harvesting of the heat in the roof cavity. I have now come across a commercial system that does just that – Ventis. And they appear to be doing it with style. Well, they have George Gregan backing it, so it must be good. Their system appears to be less complicated […]

Heat in the roof cavity and coolness under the floor

Roof cavities are hot. Just ask anyone who has to work up there. Even in winter they are very warm. In this area most houses have “whirly gigs” to pump this heat out. Earlier in the year I wrote about how even in winter a light brick will heat up more than 8° above the […]

The Threat of a Temperature Logger

We have a number of customers who have problems with deliveries. The goods have obviously been heat damaged in transit but the courier or shipping company denies having a problem. So the simple solution is to place a temperature logger in with the goods and then prove that there was a problem while the courier […]

GlitterBug in Angola

Another interesting hand washing story is about ESS catering in Angola. They use local labour to help with the catering on oil rigs etc. The challenge was how to raise the standard of hygiene up to best practice with people who were never taught the basics as children. So GlitterBug was a quick and fun […]

Glitterbug Hand Washing Training Story

GlitterBug is an invisible lotion or powder that glows in UV light. The lotion is fantastic for hand washing training, but the powder has a slightly different purpose – it shows how easily germs can spread. One trainer sprinkled Glitterbug Powder over the sign-in sheet. As expected, it transferred to the hands of the attendees […]

Temperature Logger for Vaccine Storage

Thermocron TCS Logtag with Display Logtag Temperature When storing your vaccines, “Strive for 5” which are the Commonwealth Guidelines for the storage of vaccines says that the temperature of your fridges must be monitored and recorded. These temperature loggers will record the temperatures 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is only necessary […]

Temperature Logger for Food Safety

Thermocron TC Logtag with Display Thermocron TCX Logtag Temperature When choosing a temperature logger for a restaurant you need to consider that it must comply with HACCP requirements. A thermometer must have an accuracy of at least 1°C. The temperature loggers that are mentioned above have accuracies far better than the 1°C. The beauty of […]