Common temperature logger mistakes 5

In my previous post of “Common temperature logger mistakes 4 – not put in place” I returned to the “oh, yes, I should have done this sooner” category. This is another one of those. Common temperature logger mistakes: Not retrieved. Once again, this problem is really obvious in hindsight but is easily done. The way […]
Temperature logger calibration versus certification
We are often asked about temperature logger calibration versus certification. There is some confusion between the two and what is required. This should clarify many of the questions: What is supplied: 1. Our temperature loggers are tested at point of manufacture to make sure they meet the specification. This is the Quality Control (QC) and […]
Temperature loggers over summer
WIth summer now here, we would like to remind restaurants and cafes to strongly consider using temperature loggers in their fridges, freezers, and vehicles. Temperature loggers provide the following benefits: 1. Proof that you have kept potentially hazardous foods at the correct temperatures. 2. Automated proof so your staff aren’t tied up each day recording […]
Temperature Loggers help Scores on Doors
Scores on Doors heavily penalises sites that don’t effectively monitor the temperature. You must ensure that your fridges are all below 5°C. Many restaurants will either: a) Do nothing and hope for the best b) Rely on unreliable staff to record the temperature every now and then and both will leave you wide open to […]
Wireless Temperature Loggers
At Fine Food in Sydney we will be revealing our new range of Wireless Temperature Loggers. As part of the launch we will be offering a 10% discount on all orders made in August. The benefits of wireless temperature loggers include: saving in labour costs because results are automatically retrieved “live” results are availble at […]
Wireless temperature logger in final testing stage
The wireless temperature logger is now in its final testing stage. All is looking good for a February release. There have been some very interesting and challenging issues that we have come up against and had to resolve which I will discuss today. The end result, however, is a product that is great to work […]
Temperature Logger Specifications: Part 2
Starting options Temperature loggers often offer a range of techniques to start the logging. Most loggers provide an immediate start capability via the software. A manual start option (normally a push button) is useful for where the loggers are stored for some time before use and a PC is not available. For example a farm […]
Temperature Logger Specifications: Part 1
In this final part on temperature loggers we investigate the other specifications and features that differentiate temperature loggers and thermometers. Software The great benefit of loggers is the ability to view the results and save them for later use. Each logger will typically have its own software. They vary in what the software can do […]
Temperature Logger – Sample rate and memory
This part continues exploring the jargon involved with temperature loggers and focuses on the sample rate and memory size. These are critical because they determine how long a logger can be used for before information is lost. Sample rate This is how often the logger will record the temperature. Most loggers offer a programmable sample […]
Temperature Logger discrepancy – “But why don’t they agree?”
A very common question is “why don’t two monitoring devices show the same temperature?” For example a fridge may have a digital display and a temperature logger but they never show the same temperature. Is the logger discrepancy showing the logger is wrong, because surely it must be impossible for them to both be right? […]