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5 Mistakes Using A LogTag With A Vaccine Fridge


LogTags are very easy to use, but there are some common mistakes that we hear about all the time. A lot of these have come from people writing procedures who don’t have all the facts. Have a look through these common mistakes and see if any of them are happening in your organisation. MISTAKE #1 […]

Get something nice for that special fridge in your life

valentine fridge

It’s Valentine’s Day. What better time to do something special for your fridge? [row] [column medium=”6″] Upgrade your vaccine fridge logger We have a new stock of the premium vaccine fridge replacement logger with … Replaceable Battery Visual Temperature Display Audible Alarm Huge Memory MORE INFO [/column] [column medium=”6″] “Set and Forget” logging with a […]

Have we lost our way with vaccine monitoring?

Have we lost our way when it comes to monitoring vaccine fridges? We have been selling temperature loggers for vaccines for nearly two decades. Over that time we have seen a huge change in the way that vaccines have been stored. I’m starting to question whether we’ve lost sight of what the problems were and […]

Can my vaccine refrigerator be adjusted?

No cause for alarm Modern vaccine refrigerators are fantastic devices and take much of the worry out of storing vaccines safely. When they’re working properly, that is. We recently had a customer who was getting some slightly strange readings from her temperature logger, despite not getting an alert from her refrigerator. The graph of readings […]

Have we lost our way with vaccine fridge monitoring?

What I am hearing about vaccine fridge monitoring I have customers who are now required to download the results of a temperature logger once or twice a day. That’s not once or twice a month or even a week, but every single day. I used to sell temperature loggers telling people “it will save you […]

Inconsistent Vaccine Temp Logger Readings

Temperature Sensor Graph 1

Many of our customers use their temperature loggers to monitor vaccine fridges. Vaccine fridges have better temperature control than many other types of fridges and the results tend to be very predictable. Then there are the sudden changes which causes the readings to be in a new range. What causes a sudden shift in temperature […]

How long will a vaccine fridge remain below 8° during a blackout?

Vaccine Fridge

The critical temperatures 2°C and 8°C are the official limits that a vaccine must be stored between. Of the two temperatures, the lower one is the more critical. At 0°C certain vaccines freeze and become useless. This is important to keep in mind when dealing with the issue. The higher temperature is less rigid because […]

RPA Vaccine Fridge Should Not Have Failed

RPA is now asking hundreds of mothers with new born babies to contact them because a vaccine fridge may have been failing.This strikes me as an amazing problem for a major hospital. For more information see the full article from the SMH Low cost temperature loggers have now been available since I started this business […]