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Would your cleaners pass a GlitterBug cleaning audit?

WASH ME written in Glitterbug on a desk

[row] [column medium=”12″] If you did a cleaning audit, would you find your cleaners doing what they are paid to do? Using GlitterBug to audit your cleaners is simple and very effective [/column] [/row] [row][column medium=”12″]We recently had a compliance officer from a medical centre contact us about how to perform a cleaning audit. We […]

Best Way to Monitor Temperature

Temperature data logger

Most people know their legal responsibilities when it comes to storing and transporting refrigerated and frozen items. They are doing it, and probably doing it correctly. But do you have proof? Doing and proving aren’t the same thing Not only do you have to keep your food outside the danger zone (5° to 60°C), you […]

OnSolution Product Range

OnSolution provides a wide range of safety related products. We would gladly help you provide a safe work place, but we can only do that if you know what we do. Over the next couple of blogs we will detail the products that we offer, as well as offering some special pricing on specific items. […]

Comparison: Temperature Logger

This temperature logger comparison will cover the similarities and key differences between the Logtag Temperature Logger and Thermochron Temperature Loggers. Selecting the best temperature logger is much like selecting the best car – it all comes down what features you really care about. The similarities Fundamentally the Logtags and Thermochrons are the same. They both […]

Food Safety Data Logger for Restaurants – LogTag Temperature

OnSolution has a food safety data logger that is the size of a credit card. It is ideal for use in restaurants, cafes, clubs and any food preparation area. The Logtag Food Safety Logger is set up using analyser software. In the set up you tell the logger how often you want it to record […]

GlitterBug Hand Washing Training Kit in development

Recently we had a customer contact us in regards to packaging for the GlitterBug range of products. They wanted a handy little container to help store and transport the Glitterbug products in. We did some searching and came across a great case for it. We are now trying to improve the foam insert to snugly […]

Food Safety Temperature Logger for Restaurants

Suggested Model: Logtag with Display The Logtag with Display is a 3 in one instrument. It is firstly a temperature logger, it is also a thermometer and it is also a min/max thermometer. The LogDisp needs to be set up using the analyser software. The set up tells the logger how often you want it […]

Thermocron Temperature Logger – Testimonials

Here are some of the latest testimonials we have received from our customers. Unfortunately corporate or company policy means that we can’t release the names of most of them publicly. We operate several coolrooms and freezers and the thermocrons do the job for us without us needing to think or worry. We are able to […]

Temperature logger leasing

OnSolution now has a lease arrangement for our range of temperature loggers. If you have a number of fridges, freezer, vehicles, or locations that need monitoring then a lease arrangement may be the best way to go. As part of the arrangement we will provide the software/reader/case kit for free send you replacement units once […]

LogTag Temperature Logger – Testimonials

It’s now time to share some testimonials about the LogTag Temperature Logger. As you can see, they are having a huge impact in the vaccine and pharmaceutical industry. Previously we used digital thermometers (Max and Min) which were problematic, high rate of failure, time consuming, could not be verified or to meet NATA requirements. We […]