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Friday Funnies

Every Friday without fail (well, in my time with them), the Friday Funnies are delivered on Friday (occasionally Thursday). It is just a random collection of jokes but with many anecdotes contributed by readers. It is put together by Patricia Cameron-Hill & Shayne Yates who run a series of comedy type presentations for conferences and […]

Perceived safety and temperature

Can improving safety actually make things worse? In my last two blogs I picked on drivers of safe feeling cars who then drive more recklessly because they feel safe. Now I want to turn to temperature loggers. Temperature loggers are a great idea. They are the perfect audit tool (because they don’t fabricate results like […]

Volvos, airbags and four wheel drives

Disclaimer: This blog is filled with black humour involving car safety and accidents. Please don’t read on if this is likely to upset. OK, releasing unsupported scientific argument isn’t the best. But a quick google on airbags and driving patterns quickly brought up this which I thought was interesting because it’s an old article talking about […]

Hand washing and financial illiteracy

What do hand washing and financial illiteracy have in common? The guys at freakonomics have the answer. Their books are a great read as well, but probably won’t get you an A+ in economics in school. Maybe a detention for being disrespectful or free thinking.

Eggs, Volvos and SAP

What do eggs, Volvos and SAP have in common? Philosophy. Well, my type of philosophy. Which came first – the chicken or the egg? Do bad drivers chose Volvos, or do Volvo drivers become bad drivers? And finally, do large companies trying to avoid paying on time chose SAP, or does SAP turn good companies […]

Temperature logger web site

We are pleased to announce the launch of our web site. This is a one page web site trying to inform people about temperature loggers. It has information on what temperature loggers do and also has an offer to receive our fact sheet. When asked who our main competitor is, we always answer “ignorance”. […]

Roach Coach Food Safety

You know what I mean. Those mobile sources of culinary delight. The food vans. My brother works in one. He keeps on complaining on how the inspectors are all over them. I’m happy with that. It’s nice to know. But I suspect that it is because you can be seen to be tough on food […]

Food Safety at the Service Station

Yesterday I picked on the pie warmer at soccer. Run by volunteers, typically for 30 or 60 minutes. Totally unaware of what has come before, or gone after. But then my mind roamed to the pie warmers that I see late at night in service stations. It’s cold outside. You have just filled up with […]

Food Safety at Soccer

I say soccer, but it could be anywhere. For now, I will contemplate the virtues of food safety at soccer. I have “volunteered” at the local sporting club’s canteen. They have a pie warmer. Worked out where this blog is going yet? It’s warms pies. What’s great about this one is that you can grab […]

Food Safety at Work

In my last blog I bagged out my teenage children for totally failing to consider food safety with their school lunches. And then I cast my mind to the office fridge and that infamous Star Trek line comes to mind “It’s life Jim, but not as we know it”. To start it off, they are […]