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Choosing a new product name

I thought it would be easy to come up with a new product name. But with the wireless loggers rapidly approaching final release, choosing a new product name is becoming more urgent. Here’s the dilemma. The name has to meet the following criteria: It must be easy to remember. When someone mentions it to someone […]

Terms and conditions

Our Terms and Conditions can be found at They are currently: 1. Price All prices are subject to change without notice and all orders are accepted by OnSolution Pty Ltd on the condition that they will be invoiced at the prices ruling at the date of dispatch. 2. Cartage, Taxes and Duties Unless specifically […]

Printer supermarket

It’s not that often that I have such exceptional service that I feel compelled to let others know about it, but today I was just blown away by the knowledge and helpfulness of Tarquin at Printer Supermarket. Before I comment on the Printer Supermarket, I will digress slightly… I briefly sold PCs many, many years […]

Castagna Wines

Castagna Wines are committed to biodynamic grape growing and winemaking. Their wines are growing in recognition both locally and internationally, and they export to countries including the UK, France, Spain, Denmark, Korea, Hong Kong, China and Japan. And Julian Castagna takes the quality of his wines seriously. He recently contacted us about temperature loggers because […]

Ice days

I may as well follow my last blog on “ease of use” with a really obscure feature of eTemperature that not many people know about. It’s the concept of ice-days. The theory is fairly simple – if you kept items at 0°C it would last for x days. But as it becomes warmer it won’t […]

Ease of use

Did you know that Solitaire was included in Windows to teach people how to drag and drop? I was told this bit of trivia after trying to explain to a user how to zoom in on the graph in eTemperature. To anyone who has seen it once, it’s really easy. But for a person who […]

Word of mouth

We don’t do much advertising. Instead we rely upon our customers letting others know about us. So I would just like to say thank you to all of our customers who have passed our details onto others. It is great when we get a call and hear “so and so recommended you”. And thank you […]

Most efficient method to boil water

As we are being pushed to use more efficient methods to light or heat our rooms, Tom Murphy asked the simple question of “what is the most efficient method to boil water?” The full article can be found at Burning Desire for Efficiency. The summary of the results was: Boiling water on gas stove, full […]

Etch-a-sketch temperature logger

Fortunately for us, there are some people in the world with a bit too much spare time, not to mention a spare etch-a-sketch. They had a simple question, can you turn an etch-a-sketch into a temperature logger. Apparently the answer is “yes”. While we won’t be rushing out to be distributing them soon, we will […]

Temperature Logger for Dentists

Suggested Models: Thermocron TCS Thermocron TCU Logtag Temperature What does a dentist need a temperature logger for? When storing medicines, vaccines and many chemicals there is a requirement to have a record of the temperatures at which they have been stored. The Thermocron TCS or the Logtag will give you an accurate record of the […]