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Inconsistent Vaccine Temp Logger Readings

Temperature Sensor Graph 1

Many of our customers use their temperature loggers to monitor vaccine fridges. Vaccine fridges have better temperature control than many other types of fridges and the results tend to be very predictable. Then there are the sudden changes which causes the readings to be in a new range. What causes a sudden shift in temperature […]

Temperature Sensor Discrepancy: Different Results

Temperature Sensor Graph 1

Two temperature sensors side by side Today I received two graphs from two different brands of temperature sensors (temperature loggers). The first was a Minnow temperature logger and the other our wireless temperature logger. They had both been in a fridge, side by side. They both covered the same time period and the distinct spikes […]

Temperature Logger: Different Values to the Fridge Display

The problem A very common question is “why does my temperature logger have different values to the fridge display?” For example a fridge may have a digital display and a temperature logger but they never show the same temperature. They may show a different range (e.g. one may only fluctuate by 1° while the other […]

How long will a vaccine fridge remain below 8° during a blackout?

Vaccine Fridge

The critical temperatures 2°C and 8°C are the official limits that a vaccine must be stored between. Of the two temperatures, the lower one is the more critical. At 0°C certain vaccines freeze and become useless. This is important to keep in mind when dealing with the issue. The higher temperature is less rigid because […]

Tips on Using Glitterbug

Glitterbug Potion for Hand Washing Training How to use it 1. Rub the Glittebug Potion onto your hands 2. Wash your hands 3. Use the UV torch to show where Glitterbug Potion has not been washed off. What are you looking for? You are looking at the places that are glowing. These are the spots […]

What is the best sample rate for vaccines?

We are often asked what is the best sample rate for vaccines. Or worse, we aren’t asked and we find out what some people are doing. The worst option The worst thing that you can be doing is sampling once per day (or once every 4 hours depending upon the capability of your logger). This […]