5 Mistakes Using A LogTag With A Vaccine Fridge

LogTags are very easy to use, but there are some common mistakes that we hear about all the time. A lot of these have come from people writing procedures who don’t have all the facts. Have a look through these common mistakes and see if any of them are happening in your organisation. MISTAKE #1 […]
I put the LogTag in the Reader and … nothing happened

When you pop your LogTag into the Reader, the LogTag Analyzer software should automatically download the data and show you a graph of temperature data. But what if it doesn’t? Here’s how to troubleshoot. Step 1: Check that you only have one instance of LogTag Analyzer open If the LogTag Analyzer software is already running […]
LogTag Spike Analysis

What happens when you get a single high or low spike on your results graph?
Wireless Tag notification of power outage

How to set up your wireless logging system to notify your smartphone when the power goes out
What happens if a Thermochron gets too hot?

What happens if a Thermochron is in an environment hotter than its maximum temperature? And other Thermochron questions…
Help! My LogTag says it hit -40°

If your LogTag data shows readings of -40°C – don’t panic. This is just LogTag’s way of telling you something is wrong. Read on to diagnose the problem.
I can’t find my delivery

“II have received an email from you saying my order is delivered but I didn’t receive it” – this post explains what to do now to ensure it arrives.
Commercial Fridge Temp Recording Frequency

Recently we were asked: When are you required (according to the food standards code of Australia and New Zealand) to take the temperature reading of a commercial Fridge, a commercial freezer and a Bain Marie that is set at 60 degrees and at what intervals e.g Every 2 hours or Twice every day ? The […]
Food Temperature Danger Zone – Explainer Video

What is the danger zone for food temperature? It’s a very simple message, but critical to food safety. This short explainer video covers the food temperature danger zone and the obligations on restaurants and cafes. It would be great if you shared the video with friends to help get the message out.
How To Configure Logtag Temperature Logger

How to configure logtag temperature logger to monitor fridges including vaccine fridges and hospitality fridges.