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What’s your trade show mission?

Mission stand

Sometimes I wonder why businesses exhibit at tradeshows. Let’s be brutally honest, if you have a tired and apathetic sales rep sitting on a seat and playing Angry Birds, you may as well shut up shop and head home. They are doing more damage to your brand then it’s worth. I’m sure there are some […]

Why would I want to follow you?

All around us we see businesses with a “Follow us” sign. This leaves me with one very simple question “Why would I want to follow you?”

The attention grabbing cloth

What can be more important than catching up with a friend at a cafe? It turns out the answer is “watching the waitress wipe down everything with a cloth”. Now what?

Christmas Email Response

Thank you to everyone for such a great response to my Christmas email. I was amazed at how many people read all the way to the end, including the “legal disclaimer”. At the same time it was interesting how many people automatically skip it as if it were invisible. I guess it goes to show, […]

Yellow Pages fighting for usefulness

This week two things happened that made me think about the Yellow Pages. How userful are the printed Yellow Pages? The first was walking my daughter to school and seeing Yellow Pages sitting on letter boxes and in drive ways in the drizzle. It is questionable how useful a printed Yellow Pages is now, but […]

Marketing is only as good as your weakest link

Awesome product We have this awesome new product – the wireless temperature sensor. Everyone that we show it to absolutely loves it. It’s incredibly inexpensive and could potentially make half my products obsolete. It’s a marketing dream. And conversion rates are looking good So we create its own web site and move much of our […]