8 things we learned at the EHA Conference

After hanging out with a bunch of Environmental Health Officers last week, we learned some stuff we didn’t know before.
Danger Zone
[full_width class=”spewman-pink”] [row] [column medium=”7″] DON’T KILL YOUR CUSTOMERS! KEEP FOOD OUT OF THE DANGER ZONE [/column] [column medium=”5″] [/column] [/row] [/full_width] [full_width class=”odd”] [row] [column medium=”4″] [/column] [column medium=”8″] Food Temperature Matters! If you work with food, you have to know the rules about food temperature. Food poisoning can be extremely serious, even fatal. […]
Commercial Fridge Temp Recording Frequency

Recently we were asked: When are you required (according to the food standards code of Australia and New Zealand) to take the temperature reading of a commercial Fridge, a commercial freezer and a Bain Marie that is set at 60 degrees and at what intervals e.g Every 2 hours or Twice every day ? The […]
Food Temperature Danger Zone – Explainer Video

What is the danger zone for food temperature? It’s a very simple message, but critical to food safety. This short explainer video covers the food temperature danger zone and the obligations on restaurants and cafes. It would be great if you shared the video with friends to help get the message out.
Cooling of Fruit in Cartons Takes Time
Experiments have been done using temperature loggers to find out what the temperature is doing. One of our customers picks and transports fruit across Australia. They pick fruit in the morning, place the fruit in cartons then palletise it and place it into cool rooms. The pallets were stacked as 12 cartons to the row […]
Temperature of Frozen Foods – Part 2

Part of the discussion at the IFSQN web site recently was on measuring the temperature of frozen items that may have been compromised. Following is my reply: I will run through some assumptions and my reasoning on this issue. I sell temperature loggers so most of my “research” is listening to others. You are talking […]
Temperature of Frozen Foods – Part 1

Following is a link to the IFSQN website for a discussion on measuring the temperature of frozen foods. The discussion also migrated onto using IR guns and the issues involved with them. http://www.ifsqn.com/forum/index.php/topic/17976-how-do-you-check-temperatures-of-a-frozen-food-item/page__p__51848__hl__temperature__fromsearch__1#entry51848 The IFSQN web site is a great resource for anyone involved with food safety.
Key Food Temperatures
There are a number of temperatures that play a key role within the food industry. The obvious ones are 0° and 100°. After all, the drinks need ice and the tea has to be hot. 22 to 24° is the ideal room temperature. 5° and 60° have been specified within the Australian & New Zealand […]