Ironic Conclusion To Food Safety Summit
A Food Safety Summit is held every year in the United States of America. This year, it was held in Baltimore, Maryland. I am sure every year is equally exciting but something occurred this year that would makes this conference unforgettable. In the most ironic twist of events, an investigation uncovered the reason for 100 […]

Foodwise is a website dedicated to reducing how much food is thrown away. It does have the slightly ambiguous statement of “Australians throw out $7.8 billion worth of food every year”. I know it felt like I spend billions on food, but I think it means all together. One page in particular has some great tips […]
Temperature of Frozen Foods – Part 2

Part of the discussion at the IFSQN web site recently was on measuring the temperature of frozen items that may have been compromised. Following is my reply: I will run through some assumptions and my reasoning on this issue. I sell temperature loggers so most of my “research” is listening to others. You are talking […]
Temperature of Frozen Foods – Part 1

Following is a link to the IFSQN website for a discussion on measuring the temperature of frozen foods. The discussion also migrated onto using IR guns and the issues involved with them. The IFSQN web site is a great resource for anyone involved with food safety.
Key Food Temperatures
There are a number of temperatures that play a key role within the food industry. The obvious ones are 0° and 100°. After all, the drinks need ice and the tea has to be hot. 22 to 24° is the ideal room temperature. 5° and 60° have been specified within the Australian & New Zealand […]