Hand washing training can be FUN. That’s why I don’t understand why we haven’t received a massive order from the education system to use Glitterbug hand washing training in schools.
Having had my children all make it through kindergarten I know that they are all taught some basic hygiene. But what better way is there to train kids on how to wash their hands then with Glitterbug? It should be a standard part of every kindergarten syllabus.
And chances are, we shouldn’t stop there. A good refresher at the start of each year would be fantastic.
But the price? 30 cents per child.
The benefits? Do we really need to say?
So why isn’t Glitterbug hand washing training is schools right now?
(If you’re a part of a school wanting to give GlitterBug a try, you are invited to get in touch and we’ll get you a discount on your order)