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Thermochron TCS – Super Logger
$165.00 inc GST

You will need
a USB Reader

Thermochron reader

To configure your Thermochron and read the data from it, you will need an iButton reader.

Do you need a NATA certificate?

We can have your Thermochrons tested in a lab using NATA certified equipment, and provide you with a certificate of accuracy. This service adds about a week to delivery time and costs $121.

Tiny, tough and versatile

A general purpose logger with higher resolution and more memory than the TC model

Part No: DS1922L
Range: -30°C to 85°C
Resolution: 0.5°C or 0.0625°
Samples: 8,000 or 4,000

Super Accurate

Ideal for Vaccines

Huge Memory

Our most popular Thermochron

A big step up from the entry-level Thermochron TC, the Thermochron TCS boasts a much higher resolution and twice the memory.

The higher resolution (up to 0.0625°C as opposed to the TC’s 0.5°C) makes it ideal for temperature critical applications, such as monitoring vaccine fridges.

Refrigerators and Freezers

We have many customers who use the TCS for monitoring temperatures in refrigerators, cool rooms and freezers to provide important data about food and medicine safety.

Environmental Research

The almost indestructible case of the Thermochrons makes them outstanding for researching outdoor environments. They are water resistant or can be placed in a waterproof case if full immersion is possible.

HVAC Balancing

The low cost of the TCS makes it idea where multiple temperature samples are needed. Air conditioning installations are a great example. A Thermochron can be placed at each workstation and in every office to balance temperatures.

Cold Chain Monitoring

Need to monitor your goods in transit? Thermochrons can be discreetly placed in shipments to track conditions from when goods leave you to when they

Biological Research

Thermochrons are used extensively in animal research. Their small size means they can be attached to or even inserted into animals with minimal disruption to behaviour.

Thermochron TCS being used to monitor a restaurant coolroom
Suitable for biological research

Key Features

  • Temperature accuracy of ±0.5°C from -10°C to +65°C (with software correction)
  • Choice of resolution: 8-bit (0.5°C) or 11-bit (0.0625°C)
  • 512 Bytes of memory – enough for ~4,000 11-bit reading or ~8,000 8-bit readings
  • Factory-lasered with a guaranteed unique 64-bit registration number that allows for absolute traceability
  • Individually calibrated in an NIST-traceable chamber (complies to Standard EN12830)
  • Water-resistant enclosure (IP56) or waterproof if placed inside Thermochron Capsule
  • CE, FCC, and UL913 certifications