I run training courses and I would like to think that I am an engaging presenter. I inject energy into my presentations, use humour, involve the group, and avoid long, boring powerpoint presentations.
But recently I have been using the Keep Alert CO2 Monitor in the training room. Most of the time the CO2 levels are good.
But yesterday they shot up to 1,200ppm and then higher. The impact on the group was dramatic. They were obviously tired and totally tuned out. They were unresponsive to questions and just sat there like stunned mullets. As a trainer it was demoralising. But seeing the CO2 levels, I knew the cause, but unfortunately apart from regular breaks, there was nothing I could do about it.
Today the air-conditioning was fixed and more fresh air was made available. The change was huge. The levels were back down below 700ppm and everyone was active and talking. They were asking questions and engaged. It was great.