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Delphi XE2 Foundations Review

“Delphi XE2 Foundations” by Chris Rolliston Don’t let the name of the book fool you. “Delphi XE2 Foundations” by Chris Rolliston could just as easily have been called “Delphi Foundations” and it would be just as true. This book is much closer to the traditional programming books like the Mastering series, or Marco Cantu’s original […]

Coding In Delphi Review

“Coding in Delphi” by Nick Hodges While the “Delphi Cookbook” is really a sampler, “Coding in Delphi” by Nick Hodges (  is the other extreme. It’s the full course. He covers less topics, but those topics he does cover, he covers in details. “Coding in Delphi” intent In his introduction Nick says the book is […]

Delphi Cookbook Review

“Delphi Cookbook” by Daniele Teti Just released is the Delphi Cookbook by Danieli Teti ( It’s a great, light read that introduces 50 topics with sample code and brief explanations. “Delphi Cookbook” Structure Delphi Cookbook follows the simple formula of: – This is what I want to do – Step by step how to do […]