- Elect a COVID-19 manager to oversee all safety
- Assign a COVID-19 representative in each department
- Process to notify all staff of any changes in procedures or policies
- Staff have a means to raise issues and concerns
No demarcation
- “Staff” include teachers as well as admin staff, cleaners, etc.
Daily checks
- Screen staff and students at the start of each day
- Experiencing COVID-19 symptoms
- If possible, check their temperature using a contactless thermometer
- Ask if any other family members sick
- If returning from leave or travel, completed the required self-isolation period
- Hold a daily meeting to keep staff up to date on COVID-19 issues
Staff Absenteeism
- Arranged for expected absenteeism if any of the following are sick:
- Teachers (by subject)
- Teachers’ aids
- Admin
- Cleaners
- Principal
- Deputy principal
- Procedure for short term illness as well as an extended period of illness
- Alternative or temporary staff procedures
- Class cancellation procedures
Disaster recovery
- Designed a comprehensive hazard prevention plan if a suspected COVID-19 case is present in the school
- Immediate notification to the relevant government department
- Notification to staff
- Possible notification to parents and students
- Possible immediate closure of premises
- Notification to suppliers
- Procedures to include:
- Students
- Staff
- Suppliers / couriers / trade
- All staff been trained in
- Correct handwashing techniques and hand sanitiser use with a product like GlitterBug (
- COVID-19 laws and guidelines, including social distancing
- Scheduled monthly training sessions with staff for handwashing, sanitising, social distancing measures, cleaning and student care
Staff to staff protection
- Streamlined shifts to try and keep the same staff together (e.g. canteen)
- Dedicated room or area for admin staff.
- Avoid hot desking.
- Allocated equipment per person or small group
- Reduce unnecessary staff in areas
- Avoid shared items in staff room
- Decentralised staff rooms
Staff to student protection
- Desk distanced from students
- Chalk to be wiped clean before throwing at student 🙂
- Minimise handouts
- Minimise interaction between the years
- Seating during breaks
- Staggered break times
- Avoid inter-year activities (e.g. band)
- Staggered canteen times
- Reduce students at bus stops
Student to student protection
- Minimised highly touched items during lessons
- Desks cleaned between students or cleaned with a long lasting antibacterial agent
Student to staff protection
- High risk staff have reduced or no face to face teaching hours. Option to work from home or leave without pay.
Year 12
- Procedure for year 12 student with exams or assignment and showing COVID-19 symptoms
- Access to teachers and resources
- Eliminate or reduce parent presence including
- Volunteering,
- Drop off / pickup
- School shop
- Presentations
- Meetings
- Enforce visitor record keeping
- Regular communication with parents
- Discourage congregating during drop-off or pickup
- Counselling available for staff or students experiencing anxiety regarding COVID-19 or social isolation
- Increased awareness of DV during home schooling, and process in place
- Cyberbullying policy in place, communicated and enforced
- Process for suspected domestic violence, especially during home schooling
- COVID-19 warnings and guidelines displayed around the premises
- Social distancing signs in premises
- Maximum room capacity displayed on all rooms
- Floor markings indicating physical distancing
- Canteen
- Admin area
- Bus stop
- Library
- Clean desks after each class
- Regularly clean all highly touched surfaces
- Additional cleaning of doors, handrails, etc
- Additional cleaning of toilets including doors, taps, hand driers
- Provided appropriate glove wear for cleaning
Hand Hygiene
- Set a protocol with staff for when to wash hands
- Sanitisers available in:
- Reception
- Before and after school care
- Staff rooms
- Canteen
- School Shop
- Meeting rooms
- First aid room
- Sufficient stock of soap and sanitisers
- Correct choice of sanitiser (≥ 70% alcohol)
- Hand sanitiser is NOT used as soap at a sink
- Sufficient stock of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for staff members
Sick Room
- Have a different room for injuries and illness
- Avoid sickroom use for minor issues
- Full PPE for staff
- Wash hands / replace gloves before and after dealing with each student
- Disposable bed covers and seat covers that are correctly disposed off after use
- No shared instruments or sheet music
- Rehearsals to have strict social distancing
- Avoid bands or rehearsals between years
- Increased air circulation
- Clean stands after use
Remote Teaching
- Home environment complies with OH+W requirements
- Reliable internet access
- Confidentiality maintained
Student contact policy
- Social media and student contact policies updated.
- Clear instruction on what contact teachers can have, on what platform.
- Bins located in every classroom
- Bins regularly emptied
- Strict enforcement of hand washing
- Consider a Perspex barrier if possible
- Encourage food from home
- Wipe down surfaces regularly
- See our Cafe checklist for more ideas
- Avoid physical contact activities
- Effectively clean sporting equipment after use
- Returned books quarantined for 72 hours
- Gloves worn when handling returned books
- Minimise “browsing”
- Remove board and card games
Layout and facilities
- Doors and windows to be opened to increase air circulation
- Can students enter and leave the premises without touching a door handle
- Layout to allow for physical distancing between students and staff
- Students can comply with social distancing requirements
- Queues do not mix with walking areas
- Students can easily access receptionist without blocking walkway
- Ensure social distancing in bathrooms, possibly by restricting to a single person at a time.
- Unavailable tables and seats are removed or clearly blocked off
- Consider contactless taps and soap dispensers
- Contactless hand dryers
- Disable bubblers. Encourage the use of water bottles that are filled at home.
- Close or restrict access to playground equipment.
Wet Weather
- Appropriate seating arrangements during breaks, maintaining year segregation and as much social distancing as possible
- Avoid crowding in walkways between classes
- Avoid crowding waiting for buses or parents
- Ensure all delivery staff are healthy and do not have a temperature
- Allocate an appropriate drop-off point with suppliers
- Physical distancing measures when deliveries are made on the premises
- Confirm with suppliers that stock is readily available
- When sourcing stock from alternative suppliers or changing brands:
- Ensure an MSDS is available for all chemicals, especially cleaning products
- Staff are trained in the correct storage, use and disposal of new products
- For the canteen, consideration of allergens when sourcing alternative ingredients or products.