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Whose job is it to check the coolroom temperature?


  It’s in your HACCP plan and you know it’s important – that’s why you put your, er, top people on the job. And just because the kitchen is a madhouse, doesn’t mean it’s not getting done when it should, right? They’re not just writing down 3° on the log whenever they remember? Hmmm… There […]

Protecting your customers from listeria

The news today is reporting a story about two people who have died from listeria infection. Ten people in total have been affected by this outbreak, which has been linked to rockmelons from a farm at Nericon in the Riverina in NSW. Every year in Australia, about 150 people are hospitalised with listeriosis and about […]

Get something nice for that special fridge in your life

valentine fridge

It’s Valentine’s Day. What better time to do something special for your fridge? [row] [column medium=”6″] Upgrade your vaccine fridge logger We have a new stock of the premium vaccine fridge replacement logger with … Replaceable Battery Visual Temperature Display Audible Alarm Huge Memory MORE INFO [/column] [column medium=”6″] “Set and Forget” logging with a […]

Salmonella Bomb destroys Albury burger joint

Salmonella Bomb

Imagine something small enough to fit on your hand that could raze your business with the flick of a switch. For The Burger Bar in Albury, that’s exactly what happened back in January, 2010. It destroyed the business, and the impact it had on the owners was also devastating. In the process it also gave […]

Food Temperature Danger Zone – Explainer Video

What is the danger zone for food temperature? It’s a very simple message, but critical to food safety. This short explainer video covers the food temperature danger zone and the obligations on restaurants and cafes. It would be great if you shared the video with friends to help get the message out.

Acceptable Temperature When Receiving Frozen Food

We were asked the simple question “When receiving frozen food, what is the acceptable temperature?” I could give a very simple answer of “below -10°C” and leave it at that. But there are a number of issues you should also consider: 1. How do you measure the temperature? If you are using an infra-red thermometer […]

Temperature Logger for Restaurant Dishwashers – Thermocron TCX

Ever wondered if your dishwasher or glass washer reaches the temperatures that it is meant to? There is a simple method to accurately check the temperature. The Thermocron TCX a high temperature data logger can withstand temperatures up to 125°C Simply set up the logger using eTemperature to record how often you want the temperature […]

Cafe Temperature Logger

OnSolution has a food safety data logger that is the size of a credit card. It is ideal for use in cafes, clubs, restaurants and any food preparation area. The LogTag Food Safety Logger is set up using analyser software. In the set up you tell the logger how often you want it to record […]

Data Logger for Cake Displays – LogTag HC

Cakes must be kept in a temperature and humidity controlled environment. Did you realize that the humidity will affect a cake, the icing and the cream filling? OnSolution has the perfect logger to ensure that the temperature and humidity is perfect for the storage of cakes: The LogTag HC. Too high humidity will make the […]

The Shark bogeys with food poisoning

I pity the food preparer who has made headlines by forcing Greg Norman to withdraw from the Australian PGA Championship because of food poisoning. The reports have not suggested the source of the food poisoning, but it is an unenviable position. OnSolution has a range of temperature loggers to ensure that you know the food […]