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In my last blog I summarised how Scores on Doors worked and said it gave points to specific failures. This blog is basically a repeat of the sheet used by inspectors. This is it – the “exam”.

The Scores On Doors uses a “Food Premises Assessment Report” (FPAR) to try to have a uniform marking system in place. The current (version 3) of the Scores on Doors Food Premises Assessment Report is basically as follows:

General requirements

1: Food business has notified details to NSW Food Authority – 1 point

2. Food Safety Supervisor is appointed and FSS certificate is on the premises – 1point

3. Food handlers have skills and knowledge to handle food safely – 1 point

4. No sale of food that is damaged, deteriorated or perished; no use of cracked or dirty eggs or food past use by date – 4 points

Food Handling Controls FSS 3.2.2 cl 5-12

5.Food protected from the possibility of contamination; food receipt, storage, display and transport –

4 points

6. Names and addresses are available for manufacturer, supplier or importer of food – 1 point

7. Potentially hazardous food (PHF) is under temperature control: food receipt, storage, display and transport; less than 5 degrees, above 60 degrees Celsius. Frozen food is hard frozen – 1/4/8 points

8. Processing of foods; items thawed correctly; processed quickly; no contamination risk. – 4 points

9. Cooked PHF is cooled rapidly – 8 points

10. Reheating of PHF is rapid – oven, stove top or microwave but not bain marie – 8 points

11. Self serve food bar is supervised, has separate utensils and sneeze guard – 1 point

12. Food wraps and containers will not cause contamination – 1 point

13. Food for disposal is identified and separated from normal stock – 1 point

Health and Hygiene FSS 3.2.2 cl 13-18 Satisfactory

14. Food handlers wash and dry hands thoroughly using hand wash facilities – 4 points

15. Food handlers avoid unnecessary contact with ready to eat food or food contact surfaces by use of utensils, a gloved hand, food wraps etc  – 1 point

16. Food handlers do not spit or smoke in food handling areas or eat over exposed food or food contact surfaces  – 4 points

17. Food handlers have clean clothing, waterproof covering on bandages – 1 point

18. Food handlers wash hands before commencing/recommencing work and after: using the toilet, coughing, sneezing, smoking, handling raw meat, cleaning etc – 8 points

19. Food handlers do not handle food if ill (eg vomiting, gastro) – 8 points

20. Hand washing facilities easily accessible and used only for washing of hands, arms and face –

1 point

21. Hand washing facilities have warm running water through single spout, single use towels (or air dryer) and soap – 4/8 points

Cleaning and Sanitising FSS 3.2.2 cl 19-20

22. Premises, fixtures, fittings and equipment maintained to an appropriate standard of cleanliness –

1/4/8 points

23. Food contact surfaces, eating and drinking utensils in a clean and sanitary condition/appropriate sanitising method in use (eg chemicals or dishwasher) – 1/4/8 points

Miscellaneous FSS 3.2.2 cl 22-23

24. Accurate temperature measuring device readily accessible (eg digital probe thermometer)  accurate to +/- 1 degree Celcius – 1 point

25. Single use items protected from contamination and not reused (eg drinking straws, disposable utensils) – 1 point

Animal and Pests FSS 3.2.2 cl24

26. Live animals not permitted in areas in which food is handled – 1 point

27. Practical pest exclusion measures used (eg screens, doorseals) – 1 point

28. Practical measures to eradicate and prevent harbourage of pests used (eg housekeeping, stock rotation, pest controller) – 1 point

29. No signs of insect infestation or rodent activity in premises – 1/4/8 point

Design and Construction

30. General design and construction of premises appropriate – 1 point

31. Adequate supply of potable water available – 1 point

32. Premises has adequate sewerage and waste water disposal system – 1 point

33. Premises has adequate storage facilities for garbage and recyclable matter – 1 point

34. Premises has sufficient lighting – 1 point

35. Floors are able to be effectively cleaned  – 1 point

36. Walls and ceilings are sealed and able to be effectively cleaned – 1 point

37. Fixtures, fittings and equipment are able to be effectively cleaned and, if necessary, sanitised – 1 point

38. Adequate ventilation provided within the premises – 1 point

39. Premises has adequate storage facilities (eg chemicals) – 1 point


40. Premises, fixtures, fittings and equipment in a good state of repair and working order – 1 point

41. No chipped, broken or cracked eating or drinking utensils observed – 1 point

Labelling FSC Chapter 1

42. Food labelling complies with the Food Standards Code – 1 point

43.  For ‘Standard food outlet’, nutrition information displayed – n/a points

It’s a simple check list, and the auditor just writes the number of points failed in one column and adds it up. That’s it, the Scores on Doors Food Premises Assessment Report.

It’s a summary of the standards as a check list.

Now why do think there are problems with Scores on Doors?

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