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We just sent this out today and have had dozens of replies. Thank you for the great feedback and I will copy a number of them into my next post. For everyone who has unsubscribed from our list, or for those randomly wandering onto this site, here is the email…enjoy…

It’s that time of year again – when we all sit around saying “wow, I can’t believe the year is over already”.

It’s also the time of year when the traffic jam moves from our roads to our shopping centres, and when we don fake beards and red suits in 40° heat. And despite the fact that shops are open 36 hours a day, we are still forced to duck into the shops for that one last present and spend 3 hours in the checkout queue.

It is at this time that every other business on the face of the earth like to inform you that they will be closed. This is one of those emails.

At some stage tomorrow afternoon we will check our empty in-box, have an end of year drink, and call it a year. In theory we will be reopening on the 4th of January.

If you have an urgent order please let me know. We will check emails on each business day and will be shipping urgent orders. This requires me driving 10 minutes to the office so please make sure it is urgent.

Support will continue throughout the break. Call 1300 30 33 34 but don’t leave a voicemail if it is urgent. In extreme emergencies call and message me on xxxx xxx xxx.

That’s the official stuff over and done with.

One last thing – if you are after the perfect Christmas present for that person that you forgot about, and don’t want to spend 3 hours in the checkout queue then we are giving away copies of The Rotten Food Cookbook for almost FREE. They are normally $10 + shipping, but we will ship them to you for only $6 total, today only. Just in time for Christmas (unless you live in some remote location like Gympie, Mt Isa, or New Zealand).

Have a great Christmas. Drive safely. Avoid food poisoning. And thank you for your support.

Shane van de Vorstenbosch
(and also Jordan, but he will be on the high seas over Christmas)

Saving time – saving lives – saving reputations

P.S. Oops, sorry I missed the anti-spam clause…If you don’t want to receive any future email notifications from us just reply to this email with the word “unsubscribe” in the subject or the first line. Please note that the word “unsbscribe” does not work, nor does “please stop sending me stuff”. We have to process those ones manually and it takes a bit longer.

P.P.S. I love Christmas. If anyone took offense at my tongue in cheek email then please spare me some Christmas grace.

This email is intended for its recipients which is fairly obvious. If you have received this email accidentally then you will probably just hit delete anyway, or have it clutter up your inbox. Try to avoid damaging the environment by printing 50 copies of the email accidentally. Does anyone ever read this at the bottom of emails? If you do please let me know and I will send you a free copy of The Rotten Food Cookbook. I should limit this to the first 10 respondants just in case people actually do read this. Have a great Christmas. You made it this far in my email, you deserve it.