eTemperature Revision History
MINOR RELEASE: Version 8.28 features include:
- TCU: Overflow error fixed for when the last reading was below 15°C (thanks to a cold snap in Melbourne)
- Recent file list: Sortable.
- Word export: Speed improvement
- Password: Byte array (technical change, no front end change)
- Rollover occured flag: Indicates if it rolled over or stopped (i.e. data has been lost)
- Dual slider: Clicking on the line to move the closest slider.
- Online feature re-enabled: Allows thermochrons to be permanently connected and periodically downloaded.
- Farenheit display bug fixed.
- Excel exporting options
- Dual slider for min/max.
- For more information view the post
- Modification to how TCS, TCX, TCU and HC are reprogrammed. No front end changes.
- Report printing bug fix for a site.
- TC-Spy: Exta data validation when downloading results to ensure data integrity.
- The min/max + extremes report had a problem displaying values less than the minimum. Bug introducted in version 8.20.
- If the alarm minimum is between 0 and 3°C and the graph is above it, it will automatically set the minimum to the alarm minimum (“zoom out”)
- If the alarm maximum is between 5 and 10° and the graph is below it, it will automatically set the maximum to the alarm maximum (“zoom out”)
- The printed graph scale is the displayed graph scale
- The details tab form has been resized.
- Retrieving the autosave flag issue has been resolved. This was introduced in version 8.09. All users of versions 8.09 to 8.16 need to upgrade.
- Dialog box with savved file name reintroduced.
- Can drag a .sav file from explorer into eTemperature and it will open.
- Identification of a potential password used with a TCS.
- Report has red and bold lines for readings out of range
- Configuration tab has “Explore” button for saved results, and the “Email” button has moved to the Export section.
- Fix saving of settings including the fast start and logger configuration
- “Save as” and “Check for updates” menu items
- Minor bug fixes including registration being recorded correctly, min/max + extremes report fix, status update issue
- TC-Spy enhancements and bug fixes. TC-Spy is a hand held device that allows users to download up to 600 sets of results, and then transfer them to a PC. The device is then cleared and more results can be downloaded. The TC-Spy is ideal for customers with a number of thermocrons that are permanently installed in fixed locations.
- Minore modifications to the list of recent files.
- Modifications for new security requirements in recent Windows releases
- “Home” tab with list of recently saved files
- Links to for online information
- Updated user guides and help
- Totally new compiler and installation programs used allowing us to offer a number of small enhancements and a new look and feel
- New reporting engine to provide customisable reports as well as fix the “black box” bug that some sites were experiencing.
- Better support for the new security policies introduced by Microsoft