Glitterbug is a very easy and fun way to train people in handwashing. Following are some Glitterbug Handwsahing instructions to help you on your way:
The Glitterbug Handwashing Lotion glows under UV light. It is the lotion itself that is glowing.
When people rub the Glitterbug lotion into their hands and shine a UV light on it, it is the Glitterbug that is glowing. It is NOT some magical lotion that causes germs to glow. We have no idea if your hands are clean or dirty, we just know they are covered with Glitterbug lotion.
By washing your hands, you are washing the Glitterbug Lotion back off again. But the Glitterbug Lotion won’t just wash away with a bit of water. At this stage it is like germs. It requires soap and warm water to do a thorough job, and it requires physical rubbing.
Which is great, because if you have someone who just dips their hands under the water and pulls them out, they will still have Glitterbug Lotion on them.
By the way, get them to dry their hands first. The UV light won’t reflect off the water and you will see more.
If someone does to a better job then chances are their hands will look good at first glance, but there are some great spots that are typically missed:
- Under the fingernails
- Around the edge of the fingernails
- The webbing of the fingers
- Under and around jewellery
- Around the wrist
- Along the base of the hand (between the little finger and wrist, on the edge of the hand)
- In wrinkles and cuts
To get all of these places takes a good technique as well as a brush.