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Would your cleaners pass a GlitterBug cleaning audit?

WASH ME written in Glitterbug on a desk

[row] [column medium=”12″] If you did a cleaning audit, would you find your cleaners doing what they are paid to do? Using GlitterBug to audit your cleaners is simple and very effective [/column] [/row] [row][column medium=”12″]We recently had a compliance officer from a medical centre contact us about how to perform a cleaning audit. We […]

Salmonella Bomb destroys Albury burger joint

Salmonella Bomb

Imagine something small enough to fit on your hand that could raze your business with the flick of a switch. For The Burger Bar in Albury, that’s exactly what happened back in January, 2010. It destroyed the business, and the impact it had on the owners was also devastating. In the process it also gave […]

Scores On Doors Overview

My next couple of blogs will be focusing on the Scores on Doors scheme that is run as a joint venture between the NSW Food Authority and local councils. According to the NSW Food Authority’s web site the goal is to: “Scores on Doors allows the public to know how well food businesses are complying […]

Name and shame impact or sham?

Is the NSW name and shame web site working or are we just seeing political statistics. Accoridng to the NSW Primary Industries Minister Katrina Hodgkinson, the number of sites listed on the Food Authority’s “Name and Shame” register has dropped in the last couple of years. 785 eateries were listed in 2011/12 with 1337 penalty […]

The Silent Small Sentinel

What happens to the food in your fridges and freezers when you have a power blackout, a brownout or a door is left open? When you find that there was a blackout, do you know for how long? What about the fridge door, was it left open over night or was it just from the […]

Food safety web site

The web site is now up and running. As its name implies, it is focusing on food safety. But we are now also adding in a round-up of food poisoning topics from around the world. I find the food poisoning articles much more interesting and hard hitting than the food safety ones, but it’s […]

Fine Food 2013

Fine Food 2013 will be at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre on the 9 – 12 September, 2013. OnSolution will be again be exhibiting. I have attended or exhibited at many shows, and I would have to say that Fine Food is the best trade show to visit. It would have to be one […]

Food and safety web site

We are proud to announce that we have started the web site. The site is aimed to provide information on what is happening around the world (and locally) in regards to food and safety. It’s going to be a mix of the informative, odd, useful and trivial. So if you are involved in the […]

Temperature loggers for epipens – anecodote

Epipens are temperature senstive, so how do you know if they are still effective. Temperature loggers to the rescue! Here’s an anecdote from one of our customers… “My son, Connor, is anaphylactically allergic to wasp stings.  If he is stung he can develop breathing difficulties in only a few minutes and needs immediate intervention in […]